Operation Shockwave

Non-Profit Organization | Army, Retired | Member since August 10th, 2018

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Military suicide prevention using complementary and integrative healing modalities. Operation Shockwave uses the Pups and Warriors Side by Side service animal training and certification program, Llamaste: Alpaca Veteran Support Walk, and Warrior Words of Wisdom to heal Veterans and their family members from invisible wounds.

Welcome to The Thrive Tribe! This is a growing community of warriors, leaders, allies, family members, supporters, mental health professionals, and now…YOU! Every member of the Tribe believes that veterans deserve the best care and transitional services following military duty. In fact, We Advocate For Veteran Empowerment! #WAVE2SAVE22

As a member of the Tribe you are no longer alone. You have various support by fire elements to assist you in the mission of “life.” Whether it be community workshops, financial management, mentor-ship/life coaching, skills classes, or other services, the Thrive Tribe is here to help. 

As a new member, you will find your purpose, direction and motivation! You will heal! You will be empowered! You will thrive!”
